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French Riviera

Taxis in Nice 2025

Taxis in Nice are woefully insufficient to meet the demand which one reason why car services and Uber have become increasingly popular. There are taxi stations throughout town, most reliably at the airport, train stations, convention center and major hotels. You can also call Allo Taxi Riviera at 04 93 13 78 78.

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An even better idea is to download the Taxi Riviera app in Google Play or the Apple App Store. The app has a geo-location feature and will give you a price estimate for the trip. Also, you can book in advance. Unlike Uber however, payment is made directly to the driver. Booking through the app makes overcharges far less likely and provides more recourse in case it occurs.

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Walking up to a taxi at a taxi station is the worst solution. It's often said that Nice taxi drivers are known for ripping off visitors. That's not exactly correct. They're equally likely to rip off residents. The "taxi mafia" in Nice is generally considered scandalous by locals who go to considerable lengths to avoid taking one. In addition to high prices, Nice taxi drivers are known for being rude and actually belligerent if the passenger dares question a charge. And there is always a question about the charge.

Nice taxi driver
That look when you question the overcharge

Official Rates

For your information, here are the official Nice taxi rates in 2023:

Taxi from Airport to central Nice: 32

  • Meter drop: €4.18
  • Day Rate (Tarif A) €1.21/km round trip ; (Tarif C) 2.24/km one way
  • Evenings (6pm-7am), Sundays, Holidays (Tarif B) ) €1.50/km round trip; (Tarif D) 3/km one way
  • Suitcase charge: €2 per bag
    Supplement for 5th passenger: €3
  • Waiting Time €38.96/hr
  • Minimum Fare €7.30
  • Reservation charge €4

It is not the custom to tip Nice taxi drivers.

Top 5 Nice Taxi Driver Scams and How to Avoid Them

Nice taxi card with rates

1) Ignoring the flat rate from the airport
From Nice Airport there is a legally-mandated flat charge of €32 to central Nice and €36 from town which is supposed to cover everything, including luggage at all times of the day and night. Instead, drivers will often set the meter to drop at €32 or €36 and then let it run for the duration of the ride.

What you can do: point to the card (above) affixed to the back of the driver's seat which clearly states "fixed price"

2) Refusing short trips
Drivers hate short journeys and will often refuse to take you. This is illegal

What you can do: Give your destination once you are in the cab.

3) Ignoring or not using the meter
Drivers will not accept what is on the meter for a short journey. Instead they will tack on a supplement or simply refuse to use a meter and quote a flat price.

What you can do: Politely ask the driver to use the meter (Je prefere que vous utilisiez la taximetre, s'il vous plait). If he refuses, ask for a receipt for the ride.

4) Refusing to give a receipt
Drivers are legally required to give you a receipt for fares over €25 but they rarely do because it would reflect their illegal overcharges.

What you can do: Again, this requirement is clearly indicated on the card on the back of the seat. If he still refuses, note the license plate number on the top right of the information card.

5) Refusing credit card payments
Drivers are legally required to accept credit cards but they never do. Instead, they will claim that their machine is broken.

What you can do: Point out the mention on the card noted above which states "Credit Cards Accepted". If the taxi is not equipped with a credit card machine, that fact must be indicated in a sign. If he still refuses, note the license plate number on the top right of the information card.

How to Complain about Taxi Driver Misconduct

First, make sure you have the license number which appears at the top right of the information card. Take a photo of it with your smartphone. If the driver refuses to give you a receipt, take a photo of the meter with your smartphone. Then, contact the Taxi Inspection Service, 37 av Foch, tel 04 97 13 26 51.


Uber is by far the better option for private transport around Nice. The drivers are professional, friendly and reliable. The rates are somewhat cheaper than Nice taxis, there are no hidden extras or mysterious supplements and you can pay by credit card. No fuss, no drama. Uber in Nice offers three options: Uber X, a standard vehicle; Berline, a luxury vehicle; Van. Demand for Ubers can often exceed supply which is why it's best to reserve in advance if possible.


Car Service

A VTC (Vehicule de Tourisme avec Chauffeur) is France's term for a car service. In fact Uber is classified as a VTC. The drivers are fully licensed and professional, invariably courteous and highly reliable. A VTC must be reserved in advance, usually online, as they are not stationed at taxi stands. The price is displayed at the time of reservation and is usually competitive with an official taxi, depending on the size of the vehicle. There are many car services around but I recommend Sun Transfers which has the most competitive prices along with reliable service.

Last updated March 14, 2023


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Jeanne OliverHi! I'm Jeanne and I've been living on the Riviera for years. With my local insights your trip will be easy and fun. And, do check out my book Nice Uncovered: Walks Through the Secret Heart of a Historic City. More about me here.

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